Diversity should be more than just a word
It means understanding that each individual is unique and recognizing our individual differences. It is welcoming an assortment, mixture, range or array of people.
These differences could be race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, age, physical or mental abilities, religious beliefs, political beliefs, or other ideologies.
One thing I loved at my last job was the racial diversity because it broadened my understanding and helped me to see the world from different perspectives. Pot lucks were awesome as the range of ethnic dishes was incredible and tasty! We also had a group of Filipino ladies that always lunched together, like a pot luck, as they brought way more food than they could eat but happily shared it with each other. I also noticed they were aware of others who may not have had any food and readily invited them to eat theirs. This was their native culture in motion. It was beautiful to watch.
As a leader, understand that it is okay when someone thinks or believes differently than you do. There’s no need to be contentious or try and “convert” them to your way of thinking or belief. Just listen, accept and acknowledge their right to think and live as they do. It is their life and their right to choose how to live it. Respectfully agree to disagree if necessary. Gaining a well-rounded perspective will only help you do your job better. Decisions you make will become more solid and will be beneficial to ALL areas of the department.
Getting your team involved in the change, thought or decision-making process increases their job satisfaction. They have a vested interest in the success of the process. We all want to be heard and feel like we are contributing, so ask for thoughts, ideas and opinions from your team. We are more inclined to embrace change when we have been a part of the decision for change. Diversity can powerfully create “best” solutions to challenging problems.
Invite and embrace differences. A spectacular garden is not created using one plant!! It requires many different plants, some with only foliage, some flowering but at different times of the year, some tall and broad, some short and tiny. I personally am drawn to the dramatic foliage plants so my garden has a heavy emphasis on those. But, flowering plants add life, a happy pop of color and brighten up the darker shaded areas. It is not unusual for us to be drawn to like minded and or like skilled people as we feel the most comfortable with them. Broaden your thinking and challenge yourself to search for individuals that will add to the diversity of your team. It takes people with different skills and attributes to make a spectacular People Garden too. Diligently find those unique individuals that will challenge your thinking, view of the department and life; those that will add depth and beauty to your People Garden.
Each other
Regardless of
Skin (color)
Talent or
Years (age)
We humans are amazing in all our shapes, colors, quirks and tendencies!
Enjoy exploring and finding those unique people that will add to the diversity of your People Garden.