The People Gardener

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No, you're not buried in work, your EGO is telling you that!

Okay, here’s a hard topic for lots of managers!


On a scale from 1-10 (1 being they pull the work out of my clenched hands to 10 being I can’t believe she keeps pushing this stuff at me, doesn’t she do any work at all?)

The struggle is real for many of you and trying to find the balance is challenging.

My last boss often reminded me that he needed me in the lifeguard tower, not down on the sand, not out in the water, but in the tower so that I could see where help was needed, where changes needed to happen and where complete vision was obtained.


What do you have on your desk that you haven’t completed? (but know you should have done it days ago)

What research needs to be done but you haven’t made the time for it?

What new product ideas do you want to flesh out but can’t seem to find the right moment?

What changes need to be made to procedures so that the interaction between departments is more streamlined and effective?




Time to take a hard look at EVERYTHING on your desk and sit your EGO in a timeout.  There are MANY who are capable of doing much of the work if you’d just let them.

As a Leader, part of your job is helping them to grow and thrive so give them new opportunities to do just that.  They deserve it.

Explain what you need, how you need, why you need it, and when you need it. Encourage them to come to you if they have questions.



This is a learning time for both of you. You’ve given them all the parameters including the deadline.

WAIT UNTIL THE DEADLINE, no checking over their shoulder, no suggestions, no, no,no. 


They will show you what they are capable of, or not.

This is something you need to ease into. Don’t give them a really difficult time sensitive task right off the bat. Be fair, they need to get to know your style, your expectations, interacting more regularly with you and a better sense of how you like things done.

Start small and as they show they’re capable, increase the size and scope of what you give them.

 Go FORTH and DELEGATE. You’ll enjoy the results!