LOVE in the workplace...

When you think of someone who loves you as you are, what is it that you feel? What descriptors go through your head about them and your relationship?

Here’s a few that come to mind for me,

Like I’ve been hugged
At home
At peace
Believed in

Effective leaders LOVE their people.  They love them as they are, where they are and how they are. They work towards growing their strengths and accepting their limitations.

Transformational leaders make sure their team FEELS LOVED.  They know how each person feels will determine how engaged and excited they are in their job and company.

Share your heart! Let them FEEL your love and care.  Let them feel your warmth and hug. Strengthen them.  Believe in them. Care for them.

Your expression of love and care doesn’t have to be all mushy gushy, it needs to be heartfelt.  You must have an honest desire to make decisions and take actions that serve each person on your team.

82% of Americans don’t feel they are
recognized enough for their contributions

When your team knows you love them they are open to the most challenging of situations because you have their back and believe in them.

These thoughts are not new; this is what makes LEADERSHIP SIMPLE!

Repeat after me, LEADERSHIP IS SIMPLE! Yes, it is.  It’s not always easy but it IS simple.

Put the needs of your team first.  It is ALL ABOUT THEM!!

Share your heart.

Leaders Grow First



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