Cut it off!!
As a gardener, this is the time of year we set the stage for what the following spring/summer will bring. We tidy up debris, move plants from one spot to another and prune. Prune and prune and prune so that the plants energy is focused on feeding what really matters. However, with People Gardening, pruning happens regularly throughout the year.
Why do we prune?
To cut away dead and damaged areas
Most of these areas are unsightly but on top of that it helps the plants energy focus on what is good & healthy. When it comes to people the pruning may be habits that don’t serve them or the team, mistakes that need to be forgotten as they are inhibiting the person from growth. It could be helping someone finally accept that they need to move on from a career path they hoped they could take but just doesn’t fit their strengths.
To shape a plant
In the garden each plant needs space to grow, to have air flow and light. A gardener is constantly checking and shaping to get maximum growth from each plant. With people, teaching and helping them become their best self is the shaping. Guiding them down learning paths that enhance their strengths and help them remove those thoughts, ideas and opinions that don’t add to being. Getting rid of the limiting beliefs, negative thoughts and actions.
To stop the spread of disease
When a plant has any type of disease its best to prune it off, so it doesn’t spread to other plants. Gossip, bullying, yelling, derogatory comments, detrimental competitiveness are all diseases that need to be removed. It is amazing how quickly they can spread if not handled quickly and effectively. There is NO acceptable time for any of these to occur so immediate pruning MUST happen.
Now let’s talk about the tools used to prune
In the garden it is snips or shears. The tool MUST be sharp so that it can give a clean cut and not damage the plant. It also needs to be clean so as not to infect the plant with a disease from somewhere else in the garden. The pruning tools of a People Gardener are words and actions. Words are beautiful, helpful and instructive when used properly. The motivation of a People Gardener needs to be rooted in love for each person. You want to carefully remove the dead and damaged areas so that the person feels freedom and increased energy. Words help them understand that shaping is a positive thing and the finished results will not only look and feel good but will add to the People Garden. Decisive words and actions remove the disease quickly. Walkabout is a great action for a gardener as disease is often spotted before it can spread and is easily pruned away.
Pruning is a gift from the gardener’s heart. A gift to each plant as all of the limiting areas are removed and the plant is now in a spot to blossom and meet its own innate potential.
Pruning is a good thing, do it with love in your heart, kindness in your soul and an encouraging smile on your face. After all, you ARE creating a spectacular People Garden!